I have been working on many Drupal commerce projects both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 and I have encountered the need for multiple currencies many times. Drupal 8 has made it very easy to have multiple currencies.
Today I have been working through an issue with commerce tax. I had to apply a patch that allows me to configure taxes a bit more.
The patch allows Drupal commerce to decouple the tax calculation with the store address. That way the Drupal commerce store can have multiple tax rates instead of one tax rate for the state the store is located in.
Cloudflare is a great tool to add another layer of security to your Drupal website.
When setup correctly Cloudflare will act as a firewall to block malicious traffic to your Drupal website at the application level. Cloudflare blocks many types of attacks: cross-site scripting, cross-site forgery requests, and SQL injection attacks. User checks can also be enabled such as GEO IP location and browser integrity checking to limit questionable or unneeded traffic.
Recently I have been planning ahead with a couple of clients for their Drupal 7 upgrade. Drupal 7 will be supported by the community until the end of November 2021.
What does this mean for Drupal 7 projects? It means that if you haven't started planning an upgrade to Drupal 8, you should now.
Looking for a Drupal developer? Specifically a Drupal Commerce or a backend developer? Then you came to the right place.
I am a backend Drupal developer with extensive experience working with Drupal Commerce for both Drupal 7 and 8 for over seven years now.