Commerce 1.x and 2.x implementations.
Drupal 8 Commerce 2.x
- Custom Commerce Cart Workflows
- Drupal Commerce Taxes
- commmerce_tax - Custom Tax Resolvers
- Tax Exemptions
- Line Item Taxing
- VAT Shipping Tax
- commmerce_tax - Custom Tax Resolvers
- Drupal 8 Promotions
- Custom Purchase Order Implementations
- Custom Point of Sale Implementations
- MulitCurrency
- GEOIP Currency Detection: IP detects country then uses list to pick currency
- Currency Conversion
- Custom Currency
- GEO IP detection
- Set Currency
- Set Payment gateway
- Custom Order Email Templates
- Upon placing order
- Update user based upon order state
- Update user when order has been shipped
- Custom Order Types: Order, Purchase Order, Point of Sale
- Pricelists - Different price sets based on role
- Custom Apache Solr indexed catalogs with faceted searches and auto complete
- Product Creation - Custom forms for on the fly project and variation generation integrated with commerce_pricelists.
- Commerce Shipping Integrations
- EasyPost - Custom Shipping Integration
- Shipping internationally using FedEx, USPS, UPS
- Shipping from multiple locations based upon customer's address
- Integrated with multi currency
- Purchase shipping label, attach to order
- Update users and orders with shipping status updates.
- FedEx
- EasyPost - Custom Shipping Integration
- Drupal Commerce payment gateways:, Braintree, Paypal, Cybersource, and Stripe
- I have contributed to Paypal and Cybersource patches on
- Multilingual Implementations
- Taken existing projects and added multiple languages
- Custom Session Variables
- Checkout flows
- Languages
- Coupons
- UTM Params to Variable
- Custom Events
- Shopping Cart Events
- Order Events - Based on Order State
- Warehouse Management
- Request for product
- Create a location for the product
- Manage Requests for products
- Product Borrowing Module
- Auto set borrowing timeline
- Alert/Email user when product is due back
- PDF Generation - mpdf, dompdf
- Order Invoices
- Picket Tickets
- Sell Sheets
- Reorder an Order
- Allow user to reorder the same order from their account
- Process orders via cron run
- Generate Picket Tickets
- Update order state/status
- Update Account
- Maps - Google Maps, Leaflet
- Store Locator
- Product Availability
- Anonymous Orders
- Auto-create Account
- New orders are automatically added to account based on email address used during checkout.
- Auto-create Account
Drupal 7 Commerce 1.x
- Custom Commerce Cart Workflows
- Drupal Commerce Taxes
- Avalara - VAT and Sales Tax
- Custom Avalara Rules
- Additional Store Addresses
- Avalara - VAT and Sales Tax
- VAT ID Real-Time Validation
- GEOIP Currency Detection
- Drupal Commerce payment gateways:, Paypal, Cybersource, and Stripe
- I have contributed to Paypal and Cybersource patches on
- Drupal Commerce Stock Levels
- Multilingual implementations
- Multilingual integrations: Transifex
- Ubercart
- Custom Session variables.
- UTM parameters storing and reporting.
- Custom Commerce Rules
- Custom Roles to Bypass Cart Checkout
- Purchased Product View for Customer
- Subscriptions - Recurring Billing
- Commerce Card on File
- Custom Store Clerk Interface
- Implemented Zebra Scanner
- Custom order interface to allow store clerk to fill part of an order, using ajax
- Allow for partial order shipment and partial order pickup
- Order pickup slip generation based on line items selected
- Multiple Store Locations
- Store Locator with Google Maps
- SalesForce