I created this post to have a quick overview of the two different Drupal 8 modules that extend the default node title length. There are currently two modules: Node Title Length and Entity Title Length.
Both modules are easy to set up and both have a very minimal configuration. I do recommend the Node Title Length module due to being in a stable and released state.
Node Title Length [Recommended]
Admin: No admin configuration, defaults to 8000 which can be updated before installing in the module code.
Official Release: Yes
How to set up and configure:
Enable the module
All set! Nothing else needed to do.
Entity Title Length
Admin Configuration: /admin/etl/config
Official Release: No
How to set up and configure:
Enable the module
Update the configuration in the admin section: /admin/etl/config
Update the title on the form display configuration for that entity/node to the desired new length